Since 2010, DotAsia’s strategic directive for the year has been presented annually at the DotAsia AGM, and then reported at the next AGM. DotAsia’s progress through the years, in exploration of different developments, investments into its office premises and into new gTLDs, consolidation of community efforts and engagement with Members and partners were explained and reviewed.
At the DotAsia AGM 2023, the strategic directive presented was “Broaden Collaboration, Shaping Narrative in Support of the Global Multistakeholder Internet Governance from Asia Pacific: Support the advancement of Multistakeholder Internet Governance Model as a leading voice from the Asia Pacific Internet Community.” The aim is to evolve DotAsia’s participation and contribution to the Internet Governance community from more of a facilitator to becoming a stronger voice that would amplify, synthesize and shape perspectives from the Asia Pacific community in the local, regional and global Internet Governance discourse.
Development of DotAsia Strategic Plan
Since the transition to the new Chair in May 2023, the DotAsia Board has been working to broaden the strategic directive statement into a full fledged Strategic Plan, encompassing different areas of work at DotAsia, and building on the directive presented at the DotAsia AGM 2023. The approach was built on the DotAsia Core Values and Core Competence Framework (BCC-001) and 4 areas of DotAsia works to form a matrix describing DotAsia’s organization-wide view:

Between May and Oct 2023, and especially during the Board face-to-face meeting in Sep (alongside the APTLD meetings in Seoul) the DotAsia Team and the Board worked through each of the areas to identify:
- What the strategic direction should be for DotAsia in each of the areas;
- Why it is important and why it is appropriate for DotAsia to engage; and,
- How DotAsia would try to approach and achieve the strategic objectives.
Furthermore, measures of success are identified horizontally across the areas of work as well as vertically in alignment with the DotAsia Core Values. Finally, the detailed discussions are consolidated and condensed into the Strategic Plan for which the Board is now engaging with the DotAsia Members and wider community to provide feedback and input on.
Member & Community Engagement
Included herein is the document the DotAsia Board and Team are seeking your feedback and comments on:
You can provide feedback at any time by email to boardsec[at] and it will be shared with the Board. It is the Board’s intent to finalize the Strategic Plan after receiving input from the community, and we plan to discuss with Members about the Strategic Plan at the DotAsia General Meeting in Feb 2024 at APRICOT in conjunction with the AP* Retreat.