2019 年第四个月份,DotAsia 收到了中国工业和信息化部(MIIT)的好消息,.Asia 域名已获得中华人民共和国工业和信息化部(MIIT)的认证,.Asia 域名将再次在中国市场推出 。 中国是 .Asia 重要的服务市场,随着一带一路意味着互联互通,互相贸易丶互相分享,互相关爱,中华民族五千年文明史上从未如此跟世界紧密连接过,随着国际互联网增长迅速, 至2017年,全球互联网增长率稳定在30%左右,當中一帶一路沿线国家互联网增长迅速。其中孟加拉等国在2017年的增长率均超过了80%,越南的增长率甚至是217%,反映出一带一路沿线各国重视互联网建设,积极与全球接轨。而当中发展数字经济,促进经济创新和转型发展,已经成为全世界的共同选择,在这个不可逆转的时代潮流大趋势中,也就出現了数字丝绸之路,它的出現,好像将古代的丝绸之路注入活力,生氣勃勃地走向全球化。域名将会是全球化的必然产业,.asia 希望在中国这个域名大舞台上,为中国丶亚洲甚至世界各国不同的支持者丶建设者和受益者饰演联系全球的角色,配上一个.Asia 域名,体现一带一路共商丶共建丶共享的战略理念,打通数字丝路沿线区域商机。 Image credit: Designed by rawpixel.com / Freepik

This.Is.Asia Newsletter Issues

Beyond ASCII: The Vital Role of Email Address Internationalization in a Connected World

Beyond ASCII: The Vital Role of Email Address Internationalization in a Connected World

As the world becomes more connected, the need to use domain names and email addresses in local languages and scripts also continues to rise. EAI adoption has been growing in recent years, according to a Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) report, as of May 2021, around 9.6% of email domains now support Email Address Internationalization (EAI), marking a noteworthy improvement from previous years. This progress indicates that EAI support is becoming more prevalent, ultimately making it simpler for individuals across the globe to utilize email addresses in their preferred languages and scripts

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AAPI Heritage Month: Interview with Tommy Ho 

AAPI Heritage Month: Interview with Tommy Ho 

Asian American heritage is about inclusion. It’s a description that cuts a wide cloth across a vast array of cultures and peoples, and it’s important to celebrate the similarities and differences. I see that diversity represented within GoDaddy’s Employee Resource Group (ERG), and GoDaddy Asians are growing. Especially during these unpredictable times, our sense of belonging that we feel through our groups help to boost mental and physical health.

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AAPI Heritage Month: Interview with Jacqueline Daly

AAPI Heritage Month: Interview with Jacqueline Daly

To me, AAPI Heritage Month is a great time to reflect and celebrate my Asian heritage and all the family traditions that have made my life so culturally rich. I am very proud to be an Asian American. I think this is a great opportunity for communities to come together and learn about our diverse stories through a more inclusive lens.

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